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Parts of the body http://www.123rf.com/ |
1. Head | Kepala |
2. Hair | Rambut |
3. Forehead | Dahi |
4. Ear | Telinga |
5. Eye | Mata |
6. Cheek | Pipi |
7. Nose | Hidung |
8. Mouth | Mulut |
9. Lip | Bibir |
10. Tongue | Lidah |
11. Tooth/teeth | Gigi |
12. Neck | Leher |
13. Shoulder | Pundak |
14. Chest/breast | Dada |
15. Stomach | Perut |
16. Arm | Lengan |
17. Elbow | Siku |
18. Hand | Tangan |
19. Finger | Jari tangan |
20. Thigh | Paha |
21. Knee | Lutut |
22. Calf | Betis |
23. Foot/feet | Kaki |
24. Toe | Jari kaki |
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